The ECUC Conference draws credit unions from across the nation and across all asset classes, creating a vibrant exchange of ideas; small learning from large innovative organizations - and large credit unions taking back ideas from small nimble credit unions! We believe engaging and networking is valuable for all organizations, but unfortunately this is not within reach for many small credit unions that could benefit from the experience.
The ECUC Small Credit Union Fund is the cooperative spirit in action. It's larger credit unions and corporate partners providing for smaller credit unions, those under $100 million in assets, an opportunity to attend our annual conference, allowing them to have a seat at the table to share their experience and learn from others.
Apply for a Gift: Scroll to bottom of this page to see how your small credit union can apply for a gift from the Fund
Giving Options for Credit UnionsCredit Union to Credit Union Your one-time donation will be pooled with other donations to be awarded to a credit union in need. We welcome any amount, suggest the following: $100, $250, $500, $1000 Sponsor a Credit Union Name a credit union that you would like to assist in attending the conference by graciously paying their full registration, at a discounted price of $995. | Giving Options for Corporate PartnersSupport of ECUC and Small Credit Unions Donate, and in return your company will become a Corporate Giver, acknowledged at our event and on our website for the year. We welcome any amount but suggest $100, $250, $500, $1000 Sponsor a Credit Union Name a credit union that you would like to send to the conference by paying their full registration, at a discounted price of $995. |
Education Credit Union Council, Inc. is a 501(c)6. Donations and contributions to the organization are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions. |
Small Credit Unions:Apply to Receive a Gift & Attend the ConferenceExpand your network, capture new ideas, share your successes, and return to your credit union rejuvenated and inspired! If you or someone at your credit union would like to attend the ECUC Annual Conference let us know. Send an email request stating who at your credit union would like to be considered for a conference registration gift. Open to ECUC Member Credit Unions with assets under $100 million, anyone at your credit union may use the gift; limit one per credit union. Requests are based on donations received and email request date. See Terms & Conditions Please send your email request to Karen Meyer - karenmeyer@ecuc.orgDeadline to submit a request is March 1st |